Blaich Family Dentistry has donated $1,000 to a campus at Poplar Bluff R-I as part of the office’s back-to-school giveaway for the third consecutive year.
The Poplar Bluff Kindergarten Center was one or two chosen among 31 area schools entered in the annual contest, Dr. Eric Blaich announced via Facebook last month. Kindergarten teacher Kelen Deffendall made the nomination while home on maternity leave.
“I think it is incredibly generous for Dr. Blaich to donate to area schools each year,” Deffendall said. “It gives those schools a chance to do things that they may not have been able to without it!”
The Kindergarten Center plans to utilize the funds to subsidize celebration activities under the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports program, according to school counselor Rebekah Hager.
Last year, Eugene Field was a $1,000 winner and in 2020, Junior High won $1,500, a figure that included an additional matching pledge. This time Blaich also gave away five $100 gift cards to individuals for school shopping.
Blaich founded his solo dental practice at 821 W. Pine Street in 2019.
Cutline: Dr. Eric Blaich presents kindergartner Onesti Johnson and Kindergarten Center counselor Rebekah Hager with an oversized check on Wednesday, Sept. 7.